The human body possesses receptors that respond to the compounds found in cannabis. The active compounds are called Cannabinoids and are generally recognized by their 3-letter abbreviations, like CBD, CBG and CBN. These Cannabinoids carry the therapeutic and healing effects present in Nature’s most versatile plant.
By now, most healing practitioners are familiar with and incorporating CBD into their curative formulas. CBD, short for Cannabidiol, is the second most common of the active ingredients in the cannabis plant. CBD is uniquely suited for therapy and healing due to its broad range of beneficial effects. Commonly, CBD is used for treating anxiety, pain-relief, and reducing inflammation. The experienced “high” comes from a different strain of the cannabis plant, and by using the Hemp plant to cultivate our CBD, CBN and CBG, we ensure our products are 100% THC free.
We have discovered that the beneficial effects of Cannabinoids are greatly enhanced by working in harmony. That is why our products utilize CBD, CBG and CBN. Their unique healing properties work powerfully when combined, providing a multi-layered and comprehensive course of therapy.