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Stressed by the Usual? Unpack How Daily Habits Affect You and How CBD Can Help

Written by: AtoZ Botanicals Staff



Time to read 7 min

Did you know that Americans lead the world in stress, surpassing the global average by a staggering 20%? 

Factors like diet, exercise, sleep, social support, and managing time can significantly influence our stress levels—for better or worse. We may not even realize that our daily choices add stress to our lives. So, is your lifestyle contributing to your stress? Find out what areas of your life might be causing stress and how CBD can help.

Identifying Stress Triggers in Your Lifestyle

Could the way you work, sleep, or eat trigger stress in your life?

Consider these familiar areas of stress:

Job Pressure 

High-pressure jobs, long work hours, and unhappiness at work are familiar culprits of chronic stress.

 Evaluate your job-related stress: 

  • Do I frequently work long hours extending beyond the typical workday, impacting personal time?

  • Do I take regular breaks during my workday, or do I tend to work without pausing to rest and recharge?

  • Do I often juggle multiple tasks at once, and does this make me feel more stressed or less productive?

  • Am I setting unrealistic expectations for myself or spending excessive time on tasks trying to make them perfect?

  • Do I maintain clear boundaries between work and personal life, or do I find work spilling into my off hours?

By asking yourself these questions about your work habits, you can identify specific behaviors contributing to your stress levels. Once you recognize these stressors, you can take targeted actions to address them, which helps manage stress more effectively and enhances your overall job satisfaction and well-being. This self-evaluation is crucial to making meaningful changes in your professional life and personal life.

Person dealing with stress

Sleep Patterns 

Sleep is crucial for mental and physical health, yet it's often the first thing neglected when life gets stressful. Poor sleep can exacerbate stress, creating a vicious cycle. 

A CDC study found that folks who averaged six hours of sleep or less per night were about 2.5 times more likely to experience frequent mental distress  compared to those who got more than six hours of sleep.

Reflect on your sleep habits with these questions: 

  • Do I go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, or does my sleep schedule vary widely from day to day?

  • Is my sleeping environment conducive to rest, or is it too noisy, bright, or uncomfortable?

  • Do I engage in relaxing activities before bed, or do I participate in stimulating activities like using my phone or watching intense TV shows?

  • Do I consume caffeine or alcohol close to bedtime, which might affect my ability to fall or stay asleep?

  • Am I getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night, or am I consistently falling short?

  • Do I frequently wake up during the night or have trouble falling asleep, and does this leave me feeling unrested in the morning?

  • Do I take time to wind down and relax before bedtime, or do I work or engage in stressful activities until I sleep?

Reflecting on these questions can help you identify if poor sleep habits contribute to your stress levels and guide you toward making changes that could improve your sleep quality and overall stress management.

Woman sleeping restfully

Great product...I use it everyday. Goodbye stress. No side effects after months of use.

Mike W. - Stress Relief Drops

Dietary Habits 

What you eat impacts your physical health and mental well-being. Some foods can heighten stress levels, while others can help stabilize your mood. 

The National Library of Medicine explains that  Diet and stress are closely linked: stress can change eating habits and lead to weight issues. At the same time, some foods can affect mood and inflammation, impacting mental health and stress.

Evaluate your diet by considering the following: 

  • Do I eat meals at regular intervals, or do I often skip meals, which might be causing fluctuations in my blood sugar levels?

  • Am I consuming a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, or do I rely heavily on processed foods and sugars that can spike my blood sugar and potentially increase my stress?

  • Am I drinking enough water throughout the day, or could dehydration affect my mood and energy levels?

  • How much caffeine do I consume daily, and could this impact my stress levels or sleep patterns?

  • Do I tend to eat more when feeling stressed, using food as a comfort tool, which could lead to feelings of guilt or further stress?

  • Is my diet balanced regarding macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals), or could deficiencies increase stress?

Healthy food

How CBD Can Help You Manage Lifestyle Stress

More people are turning to CBD (cannabidiol) as a natural aid for managing stress. 

CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which regulates stress responses.

Here's why CBD is worth considering for stress relief:

  • Regulation of Cortisol: CBD can reduce cortisol levels, a hormone closely linked to stress responses.

  • Enhancement of Serotonin: By interacting with serotonin receptors, CBD may act similarly to antidepressants, which doctors often prescribe to help treat and manage anxiety and stress.

  • General Relaxation: Many users report that CBD helps promote a sense of calm and relaxation, which can be incredibly beneficial for those experiencing chronic stress.

  • Sleep Improvement: Since poor sleep can contribute to and exacerbate stress, CBD's potential to improve sleep quality can also be a significant factor in stress management

CBD Solutions for Job-Related Stress 

If you're struggling with job pressure, CBD tinctures can be a discreet and effective way to manage stress during the workday or unwind afterward.

  • We recommend: Stress Relief CBD/CBN 1700mg (link below)
    Suggested use: Take one full droppers under your tongue, hold 5-10 seconds and swallow. After 7 days switch to half or one full dropper per day. Use in the daytime.

CBD for Better Sleep 

Try CBD in your bedtime routine for a better night's sleep, helping you break the cycle of sleeplessness and stress.

  • We recommend: Ultra-Sleep Aid Drops CBD/CBN 1600mg (link below)
    Suggested use: 

    • For optimal results, use 1 hour before bedtime. Simply place the drops under your tongue, hold for 60 seconds, then swallow.
    • Start with a small dosage (e.g., one full dropper) and gradually increase to find your perfect dose for a restful sleep.
    • After 7 days switch to half or one full dropper per day. Reducing amount can have the same impressive results over time as your body adjusts. Use one hour before bedtime. 

CBD and Diet 

Regular CBD use can support better eating habits. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system to help stabilize mood fluctuations and reduce stress. 

Mood swings and increased stress are commonly associated with poor dietary choices, such as high sugar and processed foods. 

  • We recommend: Mood Boost Drops CBD 1400mg (link below)
    Suggested use: Take one or two full droppers under your tongue, hold 5-10 seconds and swallow. After 7 days switch to half or one full dropper per day. 
    Use in the morning and evening.

"This product is a must have for intensity and stress jobs. Few drops under the tongue and you are good. Taste is outstanding and will calm you down in minutes. "

Chad N. - Mood Boost Drops

Integrating CBD Into Your Lifestyle for Stress Management

Incorporating CBD into your daily routine is simple. Start with a low dose and adjust based on your specific needs and the stress factors identified in the quiz. Here are a few simple tips to get started: 

  • Take your CBD drops in the morning to start your day calmly.

  • Keep a bottle of CBD tinctures at your desk for moments of acute stress.

  • Take CBD sleep drops as part of your nighttime routine to promote restful sleep.

  • Start with Low Doses: Start with one dropper full to see how your body reacts; gradually increase the dose until you find what works best for managing your stress and mood.

  • Consistency is Key: Incorporate CBD oil consistently into your routine for best results. Take it at the same time each day to maintain stable levels in your body.

  • Combine with Healthy Habits: While CBD can aid in stress reduction and mood stabilization, combining it with other healthy habits such as regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and a balanced diet will maximize the benefits.

  • Quality Matters: Use A to Z Botanical's high-quality CBD oil for the most effective stress relief. You want products that have been third-party tested and clearly labeled with CBD content. 


Discover the Right CBD Products for You

Take control of your stress management with CBD. At A to Z Botanicals, We tailor our uniquely formulated tinctures to meet specific needs. Contact us directly for personalized product recommendations so we can help you align your regimen to your wellness goals. You deserve the best support on your health journey. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I take CBD for stress?

  • The timing for taking CBD can vary based on personal preference and your desired effects. Many find it helpful to take CBD in the morning to start their day with a calm mindset, while others prefer to take it in the evening to unwind after a stressful day. If stress affects your sleep, taking CBD shortly before bedtime can help promote a more restful night's sleep. Experimenting with different times can help you determine the best schedule for your needs.

What are the side effects of CBD oil for stress?

  • CBD is generally well-tolerated, but some individuals may experience mild side effects. Common side effects include dry mouth, reduced appetite and diarrhea. These effects are typically mild and often resolve with continued use as your body adjusts to CBD. It's essential to start with a low dose and gradually increase it to see how your body reacts before taking higher amounts.

How much CBD should I take to relieve stress?

  • The ideal dosage of CBD can vary widely depending on factors like your body weight, the severity of your stress, and your body chemistry. Start with a small dose and gradually increase until you find a dose that provides relief. Monitoring how you feel daily can help you adjust the dose to fit your needs effectively.

  • For those new to CBD or considering it for stress relief, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you are currently taking other medications.

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